Generative Design is a morphogenetic process using algorithms structured as not-linear systems for endless unique and un-repeatable results performed by an idea-code, as in Nature. (C.Soddu 1992)

On the website cover: 1. waterfront of Hong Kong with a skyscraper (centre) generated with Argenia; 2. twin lakeside churches in Lecco. 3. proposal for the new spire of Notre Dame in Paris. These projects were designed by Celestino Soddu using his generative AI software Argenia.



The GenerativeWorld metaverse ( is a free-access metaverse where it is possible to visit several architectures generated using "Argenia", the generative software designed by Celestino Soddu. In this metaverse you can find the exhibitions of XXVI Generative Art annual conference

Generative World metaverse -

Generative Art Conference

Annual international conference since 1998. Generative Art is the idea realized as a generative code of artificial events, as the construction of dynamic complex not-linear systems able to generate endless variations following a vision.

GA conferences website


Generative Art Science and Technology hard Journal: articles about generative approaches in the Digital Civilization
GASATHJ website



Books and Papers


Generative Projects

Generative projects and Artworks


Futuring Past

Futuring Past works by logically interpreting the structures of harmonic transformations identifiable in the past masterpieces, and by transcribing them in visionary generative algorithms

FP paper - Futuring Past movie

Poetic Logic

Poetic Logic works by logically interpreting references, starting from Art-Science experiences in Italian Renaissance, and using this for running the Generative process.

- PL paper

Generative Design TEACHING

teaching programs and students work and master thesis since the beginning of the Internet, until 2015
go to Generativism website

About us

Starting from Italian Renaissance, and the possibility to link Art and Science, we work on the generative approach to Art, Architecture, Design, Poetry, and Music.

Our approach is performed by our Poetic Logic able to interpret our past and what surrounds us for shaping the Future.

Design Architecture Art


Poetic Logic


Programming with Generative Multidimensional Geometries




Futuring Past Portfolio

Generative Projects since 1988 focusing on the Characters and Identity of Past Masterpieces for shaping visionary future scenarios. For each project, Generative original algorithms were designed by Celestino Soddu and used for generating variations of possible 3D scenarios. results are recognizable as belonging to the Past Identities and to the author's Interpretation, as normally happens when an artist refers to past masterpieces. Enrica Colabella participated in these long creative experiences with her suggestions and critics and developing together the Generative Philosophy.

Generated Italian Medieval Towns 1988

Generative Design

Futuring Picasso 1997

Generative Art

Generated CARS

ARGENIA Generative Design

Contemporary Baroc 2011

with generated music


Generative Art & Design


Generative Architecture Design


Los Angeles 2003

Fashion 2015

Generated Dresses & HK new tower

generated Venice

Venice 2015

Generated Dresses & HK new tower

The Team

Together since the beginning of University studies developed the advanced Generative approach to Architecture, Design, Art, and Poetry starting in 1986. Celestino Soddu developed the Generative approach to Design, Enrica Colabella the Generative approach to Poetic Logic.

Celestino Soddu

Generative Designer

Founder of Generative Design discipline and Generative Art conference

Enrica Colabella

Generative Poet

Founder of Generative Art conference and GASATHJ Journal



Supporting creative activities


Happy Participants to the last 25 Generative Art conferences


Generated Visionary Architectures, Towns, Objects Artworks and Music


Teaching years at Universities, online since 1994


Generative Software since 1979

Books, Articles, Lectures, and Research Reports

The publishing activity is in Italian, English, and Chinese language and covers Architecture, Town Design, Industrial Design, and Literature, focusing on the advanced generative and AI Approach, its Philosophy, Methodology, Teaching, and Reference interpretations for Futuring Past and for shaping visionary 3D worlds

Generative Design screen movies of Basilica and Argenia, and process variations

movies of working Generative software, Variations of Generative results and generated 3D complex models

Baroc Cathedral generated by C.Soddu using his ARGENIA software

September, 2011 using ARGENIA software

This generative project was done with representing the logical interpretation of Borromini Baroc Geometries through peculiar generative algorithms

Contact Us

You can contact us without problem for more info about GA conference, for asking us about a lecture at your University or company, for involving us in a new Generative project, for proposing your article to be published in GASATHJ Journal or for asking interviews and/or support for your master and PhD thesis. More, you can ask us to be in our mailing list for any news about Generative Art conferences. If so we will send you no more than 3 emails/year.

We have different addresses: Rome (home and office), Pigra (Como Lake, office) and Serramanna (Sardinia, Argenia Generative Lab). So, please, contact us using email and ask where sending your pakages.